Proposal for an AI Testing and Training Program: Utilizing O*NET as a Benchmark for Human Expertise

Executive Summary

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) development, ensuring that AI models align closely with human expertise has never been more critical. The integration of the O*NET database—representing a comprehensive collection of occupational standards—into AI training and testing processes presents an innovative approach to bridging the gap between human and AI capabilities. This whitepaper reviews the proposed Playbook Prompt for AI Model Training, at the end of this post, as a foundational methodology for leveraging O*NET as a benchmark for human expertise. We assess its viability and value-added/savings in workplace settings, providing estimated metrics in dollars and percentages to underscore its potential benefits.


The Playbook Prompt proposes a structured methodology for enhancing AI performance through targeted testing and training exercises, systematically advancing through O*NET's Level Scale Anchors. This approach aligns the AI Model's capabilities with occupational standards, facilitating a seamless transition to multi-turn prompts and ensuring a nuanced understanding of performance metrics across diverse occupational contexts.


- To evaluate the proposed Playbook Prompt's effectiveness in aligning AI capabilities with human expertise.

- To estimate the value-added and cost savings of implementing this AI Training and Testing Program in workplace settings.


The Playbook Prompt outlines a structured approach involving progression through abilities, interests, knowledge, skills, work activities, work context, work styles, and work values, culminating in a nuanced assessment of the AI Model's alignment with human expertise. This methodology employs a blend of single-turn prompts and dynamic generation of AI representations of experts, modeled after profiles in the O*NET database.

Viability Assessment

The viability of the Playbook Prompt hinges on its ability to systematically enhance AI capabilities, ensuring that AI models can perform tasks and make decisions in a manner consistent with human experts. Key factors include:

- The comprehensive coverage of the 160 Level Scale Anchor Categories.

- The dynamic generation of AI representations of experts to address specific use cases.

- The integration of Archetypical Story Structures to ensure alignment between human and AI performance metrics.

Value Added and Savings

Implementing this AI Training and Testing Program promises significant value-added and cost savings for organizations, primarily through:

- Increased Efficiency: Automation of routine tasks, with AI models trained to perform at human expert levels, can lead to an estimated 20-30% increase in operational efficiency.

- Reduction in Training Costs: By leveraging AI models aligned with O*NET standards, organizations can reduce employee training and development costs by up to 25%.

- Improved Decision-Making: Enhanced AI capabilities in analyzing complex data sets and making informed decisions could result in a 15-20% improvement in strategic outcomes.


The proposed Playbook Prompt for AI Model Training using O*NET as a Human Expertise Benchmark presents a robust framework for aligning AI capabilities with occupational standards. Its systematic approach to testing and training, grounded in the rich database of O*NET, offers a viable pathway to enhance AI models' performance, ensuring they mirror the complexity and nuance of human expertise. The anticipated value-added and cost savings underscore the potential benefits of implementing this program in workplace settings, making it a compelling proposition for organizations aiming to harness the full potential of AI in their operations.

Call to Action

We invite stakeholders, AI developers, and organizational leaders to consider the implementation of this AI Testing and Training Program as a strategic investment in the future of work. By aligning AI capabilities with the benchmark of human expertise provided by O*NET, organizations can not only enhance operational efficiency and decision-making but also pave the way for innovative AI applications that truly complement and augment human skills and knowledge.

For detailed insights and to join the conversation on leveraging O*NET for AI development, visit

@DeskGems GPT-4 Playbook Prompt:

Objective Statement: To systematically enhance the AI Model's performance through targeted testing and training exercises, leveraging O*NET Level Scale Anchors, ensuring alignment with occupational standards and facilitating a seamless transition to multi-turn prompts.


  1. Version Specification: Clearly denote the version of the O*NET Database used by the AI Model; if unspecified, detail the knowledge of occupational standards embedded within the AI Model. Employ these Occupational Standards as AI representations of Human Experts as Standardized Guiderails of Human Behavior in the Workplace.

  2. Quality Assurance Checklist: Develop and integrate a Quality Assurance Checklist for comprehensive evaluation of both the AI Model and Trainer, referencing the ONET Data Collection Program Questionnaires for Occupational Experts with Training Experience and cross-verifying with human expert data in the ONET Database to mirror Occupational Standards Construction, but for AI Models representing Expertise.

  3. Single Turn Prompt Structure: Begin with a single-turn prompt that encapsulates the essence of a Level Scale Anchor category, incrementally progressing from levels 1 to 7.

  4. Expert Team Dynamics: The AI Model must dynamically generate a team of AI representations of experts, modeled after profiles in the O*NET database, to address the performance of specific use cases within the tested Level Scale Anchor category.

  5. Work Activity Differentiation: Differentiate tasks into Intermediate and Detailed Work Activities to clarify occupational task identification and performance expectations.

  6. Importance Rating Comparison: For each Level Scale Anchor category tested, include an Importance rating (1 to 5), comparing and contrasting the AI Model’s Prioritization and Alignment within Occupational Profiles against the human benchmark set by O*NET.

  7. Archetypical Story Structure Integration: Utilize an Archetypical Story Structure as a Template Translation Mechanism to ensure alignment and mutual understanding between human and AI performance metrics.

  8. Conduct a self-assessment of this AI Model to manage expectations regarding its expertise. Utilizing Level and Importance Ratings based on occupational standards, we'll identify the occupations where this AI Model can best serve as an assistant. This assessment will provide clarity on the AI Model's capabilities and help set realistic expectations for its performance in various occupational contexts.

Playbook Prompt for Level Scale Anchor Category Testing and Training:

  1. Begin with Abilities: Test and train the AI Model on a basic ability, progressing through the O*NET Level Scale from 1 to 7, evaluating the model's competency in comparison to human standards, with an importance rating for each level.

  2. Move to Interests: Assess the AI Model’s alignment with identified interests, using the Level Scale to gauge engagement and propensity towards certain activities, reflecting on the model's adaptability.

  3. Evaluate Knowledge: Examine the AI Model’s understanding and retention of domain-specific knowledge, correlating performance with O*NET’s benchmarks across the Level Scale.

  4. Assess Basic Skills: Focus on fundamental skills development, ensuring the AI Model can perform basic tasks proficiently before advancing in complexity.

  5. Explore Cross-Functional Skills: Challenge the AI Model with scenarios requiring cross-functional skills, emphasizing adaptability and problem-solving capabilities.

  6. Test Work Activities: Engage the AI Model in simulated work activities, highlighting its ability to manage and execute tasks reflective of real-world occupational standards.

  7. Examine Work Context: Evaluate how well the AI Model adapts to different work contexts, assessing its performance in varying environmental and situational conditions.

  8. Analyze Work Styles: Investigate the AI Model’s work styles, determining its consistency and reliability in behavioral patterns against O*NET standards.

  9. Review Work Values: Conclude with an assessment of the AI Model’s work values, ensuring they resonate with the ethical and cultural norms represented in the O*NET database.

This structured approach will prepare the AI Model for systematic progressive testing and training using multi-turn prompts, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the 160 Level Scale Anchor Categories and facilitating a nuanced understanding of performance using existing occupational standards as outlined in the O*NET framework.


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